Chif's Story
As told by his mother…
Chif loves coming to The Hub. He enjoys the social aspect and doing important tasks, which give him a feeling of being normal as it means he ‘goes’ to work. This helps foster a feeling of well-being and self-worth.
The Hub helps give Chif a sense of independence in a safe environment as he is responsible for organising himself and keeping to a schedule. This also gives Chris and me, a day when we can do things without Chif.
Chif likes helping. He has a sense of being useful, of being a part of a team. He feels good about helping Workaid, because they help people. It also helps with his dexterity, sorting small things out. It helps him to learn to be more concentrated on the tasks at hand. He has developed a more grown-up attitude toward the importance of getting to places on time, being reliable and making sure that you know when he cannot be with you. He remembers to tell me to let you know.
Chif sees The Hub as a ‘proper’ job and the support he receives is of immense value, as they accept Chif as a useful member of society and of the team. A value beyond words in an increasingly difficult time of cutbacks and in a society, which does not value those less able.
Thank you seems inadequate. The Hub is such a blessing for someone like Chif. There is nothing which fills the gap between those more able and those less able…. Chif and the like would otherwise slip in the gap. (July 2018)