Container Tony is on its way to Tanzania
Workaid’s latest container, named Tony, is being shipped to Tanzania. The container is full of tool kits, knitting machines, sewing machines and other large machinery and tools, to help empower young people in Tanzania. It’s so full, our volunteers struggled to close the doors and it was a tight squeeze getting out of the car park!
The container has been named Tony by Chris, one of our dedicated volunteers.

Since 2006, Chris has volunteered for Workaid, primarily in the knitting machine section.
In 2016, he had the opportunity to visit several Workaid projects in Western Uganda and give knitting machine maintenance courses using his knowledge and expertise. He made it possible for the vocational training centres and projects to service and repair machines locally, enabling them to become self-sufficient.
During the visit Chris and his wife were taken care of by our country partner Eryeza Kasiringi (Kas) from Albert Valley. Chris’s trip to Uganda inspired him to give talks about his time in Uganda and fundraise for Workaid by selling delicious home-made jam!

The majority of Chris’s working life was spent as an engineer in the TV industry, initially at the BBC and then for an independent studio. After leaving the studios he became an H&S Consultant for a local marble and granite distribution company.
When Chris was given the opportunity to name a container, without hesitation he asked for it to be named ‘Tony’ in memory of his late brother-in-law.
“Tony would have been thrilled to know the container had been named after him” said Chris.
Tony was a local preacher for 50 years in Leeds. He spent much of his career as a sales manager in the chemical industry for a number of international firms and became a member of the British Institute of Management and a member of the Chemical Society. His love of books about his beloved Yorkshire led him to volunteer for Book Aid, a charity that collects and sends out Christian books to people in need.