Kabwanga Secondary School
Both Workaid and the Vwila Foundation have had a huge impact on the ability of secondary schools in rural Mumbwa district of Zambia to provide much needed vocational training. In total, 35 schools have been supported over the past three years with tools and equipment. New vocational training workshops have been constructed in 10 of these schools and several classrooms have been fully refurbished for tailoring classes.
Here are some photos we have received from the latest vocational training workshop being constructed for Kabwanga Secondary School.
The local community have been fantastic and helped by providing free labour to excavate the footings in order for the contractors to start building.

This is an exciting project and we look forward to receiving updates in the near future.

Project Updates
- Project Update 9 December
The main construction phase of the project has been completed and having finished electrical work this week, the building is now ready for painting.

Here are the latest photos of the workshop where they have begun the painting process. As you can see, they have started putting a white coat on the front of the building.
Their goal is to complete the project by 15th December 2024.
- Project Update 11 December

They have recently finished painting both the interior and exterior of the building. The outside is half grey and cream and the front door is black.
Here is a photo of the interior which has been painted to match the design of the outside.
The building is now ready to become a workshop for Kabwanga Secondary School.