Moris Mumbere - Empathy Foundation
In 2017, Moris Mumbere, a 25-year-old, faced challenges after dropping out of school in Primary 7.
As a subsistence farmer, he only made ends meet before joining and graduating from the Empathy Foundation in March 2023. Moris, now a skilled carpenter, is part of a 5-person business. Even though he dropped out of school early, he’s determined to make a better life for his family – a wife and three children. He also farms cassava and coffee on the land his father gave him.
Moris, along with his colleagues, has seen positive changes since joining the Empathy Foundation. Their success is further emphasised by the assistance they received after graduation when Workaid provided them with carpentry tools to help them improve their skills and the efficiency of their work.
Making a monthly profit through his carpentry, he dreams of establishing his own workshop as part of his future. He is an inspiring example for other young people in his community.
Moris’s journey with the Empathy Foundation, assisted by Workaid, highlights the transformative impact of learning new skills and self-improvement. This fosters economic independence and paves the way for future aspirations.