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Kamughobe Trading Centre

Tailoring Group - Kamughobe Trading Centre

Five dedicated members of the Kamughobe Trading Centre, Kinyamaseke, have been transformed by the Empathy Foundation. Graduating in tailoring in March 2023 marked a significant departure from their previous lives centered around subsistence farming. The group now collectively generates a good profit.

Crucially, the group’s success story is amplified by the assistance they received from Workaid, who donated two sewing machines and a knitting machine. This contribution not only equipped the group with essential tools for their trade but also symbolized a collective investment in their journey toward economic self-sufficiency.

The impact of Empathy Foundation’s training is vividly expressed by group members:

Jesca Kabugho at 21-years-old has acquired skills in tailoring and knitting and operates the knitting machine for the group. She reflects on how her life has gained meaning through the income she is earning.

Olivia Tungu is 19 and after a challenging life is happy to share the positive change of being able to earn money from skilled work.

Perisu Masika is 50 years old and speaks of newfound financial independence, contributing to family expenses instead of solely depending on her husband.

Scovia Kabugho is 25 and highlights her transition from financial dependence on her husband to a self-sufficient earner.

Asingya Kakimwa is 18 and celebrates the shift from relying on her parents for everything to earning her own income for self-care.

Their testimonials, coupled with Workaid’s generous assistance, collectively illustrate the profound effect of the Empathy Foundation in empowering individuals. This fosters economic independence within the community.