Jethro, Victims of War

Jethro, Victims of War

Jethro, Victims of War

Jethro, Victims of War

Jethro, Victims of War

Jethro, Victims of War

Jethro attended a six month training course at Vision of War Victims Association. The mountainous areas near to Kasese have experienced a lot of armed conflict over the years and the Association was established to help the children of land mine victims. Jethro was inspired by someone in his local village to take up metal fabrication. He so impressed the association that they offered him the position of instructor after he completed his training, something he has now been doing for three years. He is currently training six young people and is using tools and welding equipment provided by Workaid. They specialise in fabricating metal doors and window frames as part of the training programme and such is the quality of what they produce, their products are in high demand. The trainees also get some income from the work that they are helping to produce and that is sold. In fact such is the income being generated that one of the trainees has recently bought two piglets and aims to raise them and generate income for his family. Jethro is really passionate about his job.